Black Brexit Conference 2018: What Does Brexit Mean For Britain's Black Community?

Earlier this year, anticipating the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in London, Black Cultural Archives invited speakers and a public audience to discuss what Brexit means to Britain’s Black community?

Our conference chair Professor Trevor Williams published his outlook on the Black Brexit Conference 2018 outcomes.

Black Brexit Conference outcomes – is there a Commonwealth opportunity?

“I recently had the great pleasure of hosting what I think is the first conference devoted to the view of the Black community in the UK on Brexit and its implications for them, held on the 15th March at CMS McKenna, Cannon Street, London. It was also one of the best I have been at regarding interaction between panels, speakers, and the audience. The Black Brexit Conference uncovered a variety of complex social, economic and political concerns crystallised by the Brexit vote. Over four hours of high energy debate from panellists and the audience aired a range of issues. Not surprisingly, there were more questions than answers – of the latter few were easy ones, and none were quick fixes.”

Read Professor Trevor Williams full blog online.

The conference was present together with co-convenor SOAS University of London and sponsor CMS.


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