Justice for Chris Kaba
[From RC/RF/17/02/A Protest for Anthony Leonard, Notting Hill, 1986]
On the 5th of September, Chris Kaba, a 23 year old unarmed Black man, was killed after being pursued and shot by a firearms police officer.
Chris Kaba’s unjust death, and the delayed response from the Metropolitan Police in suspending the firearms officer is another devastating example in the shameful history of the disproportionate use of force by the police in Britain against Black people.
Black people die disproportionately as a result of use of force or restraint by the police. These names include:
Sarah Reed. Mark Duggan. Sheku Bayoh. Christopher Alder. Smiley Culture. Jimmy Mubenga. Michael Power. Cherry Groce. Kingsley Burrell. Joy Gardner. Sean Rigg.
We name only a few.
Their killings are unacceptable.
BCA stands in firm agreement with the unmet demands made of the Metropolitan Police, including the release of body camera footage and clear communication on the timeline for the IOPC investigation.
We extend our deepest condolences to Chris Kaba’s family and friends, who mourn the loss of their loved one. We stand in solidarity with our communities in the call for transparency, accountability and justice.
The Justice for Chris Kaba campaign has declared Saturday 17th September, a National Day of Action for justice, with protests and actions being organized across the country. For details please see: https://www.instagram.com/justiceforchriskaba/