#LooksLikeMeUK ‘Hero In Us All’ launches to inspire the future generation inspired by Marvel’s Black Panther film.

On Thursday 8th February 2018 #LooksLikeMeUK launched passion project ‘Hero in us all’ portraits of the future generation paying homage to the characters in the Black Panther film. The pop-up display will be at Black Cultural Archives until Saturday 17 February 2018 for the half-term holidays. Young people attending our 'Comic Fun: Draw Your Own Black Superhero' workshops will also have a chance to WIN tickets to the Black Panther movie and exclusive 'Hero In Us All' postcards.

‘Hero in us all' was inspired by Marvel's Black Panther film, alongside  culture, heritage and ancestral royal and regal legacy of African people.  The project is both inspirational and aspirational, celebrating the characters within the film and pay tribute to two of our British actors amongst the exceptional cast. ‘Looks Like Me’ raises the profile of underrepresented groups, we launched illuminating Black and Minority Ethnic children featured in advertising and fashion content, due to Selma’s daughter questioning her own identity at age three.

Selma Nicholls Founder and creative pioneer of Looks Like Me talent & casting agency is also Co-founder of successful #SoWhiteProject that first launched with #ChristmasSoWhite in 2016.

Looks Like Me has many talented children on their books and felt it was imperative to showcase their talent, immersing themsleves in the experience of being a hero that looks like them. Hero in us all was a meaningful experience for everyone involved - from the Production team, cast, families and beyond on a global level.

The passion project would not have been possible without the vision and self-financing from Selma Nicholls and her outstanding Production team brought together by Vine Creative, acting as creative consultant for this project, assembling the creative team. 

Selma Nicholls comments " Someone had to do this this project, present the connection between our children and these phenomenal characters that looks like me and I am proud to use my creativity, passion, determination, platform and personal funds to represent the future generation of culture, pride & the hero in us all - let’s continue to be the change we want to see”

We are honoured to have exhibited our passion project at the BFI -British Film Institute on 9th February and BCA - Black Cultural Archive on 15th - 17th February 2018.

‘BCA are proud to support the Looks Like Me’s ‘Hero In Us All’ passion project. We are excited to present the pop-up poster display to young people at the heritage centre in Brixton. Our workshops inspire young people to find their voice, raise their aspirations and gain a better understanding of self and their own heritage. ‘Hero In Us All’ speaks to our ethos at BCA and is powerful representation of Black British excellence.’

Going forward we aim to continue to create positive representation within content.

Find out more about Looks Like Me.


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