Volunteers’ Week: Meet Jasmine

Occupation: Student | Volunteer role: Office Administration Internship

Why did you choose to Volunteer with BCA?

I chose to volunteer at the BCA because I was interested in what they do as an organisation. I had visited an exhibition here a year ago and really liked it so I thought I would volunteer. I also wanted to learn a bit more about how the organisation operates from behind the scenes and about Black history in general.

What have you learnt from volunteering?

I have learned a wide range of skills from volunteering. I now know basic level admin skills, such as managing a diary, as well as customer service skills, such as using a till. I have also learned to function on a day-to-day basis in a workplace environment.

What advice would you give to anyone interested in volunteering?

I would tell anyone interested in volunteering to bring dedication to the work you do. Also, to just enjoy it, as you are helping the BCA to thrive.

Has volunteering made a difference to your life? If so, how?

Volunteering has made a massive difference to my life. Before volunteering my illness had hindered me from doing the things I wanted and from learning new things. Since I have more of a grip on my health and I am able to volunteer, it has really helped me in many ways. As well as learning new skills, volunteering has helped me to really develop my inter personal skills and confidence. Ultimately its just made me happy and I’ve met some really interesting and amazing people.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Jasmine and all our volunteers for all their hard work at BCA. Would you be interested in becoming a BCA volunteer? You can register your interest via our Volunteer page.


Volunteers’ Week: Meet Joel


BCA celebrates Volunteering Week