Volunteers’ Week: Meet Shelley

Occupation: Creative Website and Graphic Designer | Volunteer Role: Marketing and Café

Why did you choose to volunteer with BCA?

Being originally from the Caribbean, black heritage has always had a massive impact on my upbringing. I have an avid interest in historical figures, particularly ones of black heritages and it seemed like BCA was perfectly suited.

What have you learnt from volunteering?

Small changes can have a big impact. Although it may not seem like it, each small act of giving can feed into helping create a better community.

What advice would you give to anyone interested in volunteering?

I would advise to take some time to think about what or where you really want to get involved. Take the time to find something that aligns with your core values.

Has volunteering made a difference to your life? If so, how?

Gratitude. I find it provides me with moments to take notice of small things or opportunities that bring joy.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Shelley and all our volunteers for all their hard work at BCA.

Would you be interested in becoming a BCA volunteer? You can register your interest via our Volunteer page.


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