BLACK FUTURES: The Legal Perspective

Leading Barristers Chambers, 5 St. Andrews Hill (5SAH) have curated a video-podcast called, Black Futures: The Legal Perspective, which gives a legal outlook on important topics in support of Black Cultural Archives.

  • Windrush: A Very British Scandal

    In this video, Windrush: A Very British Scandal, Deputy Head of Chambers, Maria Scotland MCIArb speaks of her own personal Windrush experience, alongside legal insight from Barrister, Gemma Rose.

  • No Slavery on English Soil

    In this video, No Slavery on English Soil, Barrister Stephanie Coker looks at the case ‘Somerset v Stewart 1772’ and Barrister David Williams discusses modern slavery and how slavery might be closer to our everyday lives than we think.

  • The Mangrove Nine Trial

    In this video, The Mangrove Nine Trial, Barrister, Kevin Dent K.C leads a conversation with Barrister, Christopher May about the impact the trial had on the public and its lasting significance in British legal history.