BCA Pathways is a series of events run by Black Cultural Archives, as part of our commitment to help our community find opportunities in the Arts & Heritage sector. The events provide insight into possible career pathways with advice from expert leaders.
BCA PATHWAYS: Creating Space
BCA Pathways: Arts & Heritage is a strand of the ‘Seeing Ourselves’ project aimed at illuminating routes into and roles within the arts & heritage sector for 18–25 year-olds from Black and global majority backgrounds throughout the UK.
Through its mission to educate, inspire, and create access to the arts & heritage sector, this years annual event will be a series of six masterclasses led by industry experts.
Funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation
SEEING OURSELVES: Impact Afternoon
Seeing Ourselves: Representation in Heritage and Arts Careers, is our workforce development project that creates and contributes to a diverse, representative, and healthy, UK arts & heritage sector.
We are holding an industry event to showcase the success of the programme (ending March 2024) and provide arts & heritage organisations with lessons, tips, inspiration, and encouragement to take up the mantle going forward.